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Uncovering for Déconfinement

Uncovering for Déconfinement

Originally published in The American Scholar By Anne Swardson The French are facing an existential question as their coronavirus lockdown phases down: Will they be able to go on vacation this summer? Cable television news and newspapers are filled with this topic....

The Wilding of Paris

The Wilding of Paris

By Anne Swardson Paris is in what is called the “red zone.” That is, its parks cannot yet open for fear of sparking a return of the coronavirus. An unexpected by-product of these post-lockdown days of garden neglect is that the city is bursting out in uncontrolled...

The Masqueteers of Paris

The Masqueteers of Paris

By Anne Swardson Starting today, masks are required on French public transportation, part of the transition out of our 56-day coronavirus lockdown. Based on what I’ve seen recently, many Parisians have a case of wardrobe malfunction. “Judging by how they wear their...

Liberté Scaring the People

Liberté Scaring the People

By Anne Swardson The country that reluctantly accepted one of the strictest set of coronavirus lockdown rules in the Western world now is nervous about living without them. France begins phasing out its 49-day “confinement” Monday and details of the new regime have...

A Few Precisions on Frenglish

A Few Precisions on Frenglish

By Anne Swardson I came back to the apartment the other day and said very excitedly to my husband, “I got controlled! But it was OK, I had my attestation.” He knew exactly what I meant: I had gotten checked by the Paris cops and had the right form on my cell phone to...

French Resistance

French Resistance

By Anne Swardson In France, there are some rules that must be obeyed and others that can be ignored. The trick for non-natives is to figure out which is which. Owners of some of the small shops in my neighborhood, and elsewhere, must know something I don’t. Two weeks...

Papa, Please Pass the Fromage

Papa, Please Pass the Fromage

By Anne Swardson Walking down a small street in my neighborhood the other day, I heard a sound that took me back decades: the noise of silverware clinking on a plate. Through the open windows, I could hear lunch. Three lunches, from three separate apartments. The...

Kind Hearts and Coronavirus

Kind Hearts and Coronavirus

“In no country of the world has the principle of association been more successfully used or applied to a greater multitude of objectives than in America.” Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1835 By Anne Swardson Tocqueville published those words a year after...

Life in Confinement

Life in Confinement

    By Anne Swardson “We are at war,” President Emmanuel Macron said at least six times in the Monday night address at which he announced an effective lockdown of the entire country. He meant against the coronavirus. But it’s becoming clear that the war is actually a...

Life in the Distancing Lane

Life in the Distancing Lane

By Anne Swardson Walking in my Paris neighborhood, permitted during the coronavirus lockdown under very limited circumstances, has taken on a strange choreography. People passing each other swerve to the building side or the curb side to keep the required one meter...

© 2020 Planted in Paris ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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